Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and its most important projects

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia occupies an important position in the economy in the Arab world, and has always been one of the leading countries in the Middle East in developing and creating new horizons commensurate with its leadership position in the region. Today, with its future vision for 2030, the Kingdom aspires to be a country that supports the environment, economy and technology at the same time.

What is the Kingdom’s vision 2030

In 2016, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced a new economic plan called the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and the goal of the plan is to reverse the shape of the Saudi economy so that oil revenues are equal to non-oil revenues.

The biggest goal of the vision is to place Saudi Arabia among the fifteen most powerful economies in the world during 2030. The vision includes developing projects in the economic, social and cultural sectors with the aim of opening new areas for the economic system, creating job opportunities and advancing economic development.

In this article, we will highlight the sectors targeted by the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and the most prominent projects in them.

1. In the field of energy

Among the most important projects in the field of energy is the desalination plant project with absorption technology, which was launched in 2017 with the aim of designing, analyzing, testing and evaluating a new water desalination system, developing it locally with international partnerships, and achieving a sustainable water sector that develops water resources and preserves the environment.

In addition, the low-energy desalination plant project is one of the most important projects of the vision, and is the first of its kind in the Kingdom. The project contributes to the design and development of the nuclear reactor industry in the Kingdom, and the development and qualification of competencies and human cadres to operate power reactors.

The plant for the production of solar panels and cells and the reliability laboratory is one of the most important projects of the vision, and aims to transfer solar energy technology and develop production equipment for it that are suitable for the environmental conditions in the Kingdom, which are characterized by severe heat and sandstorms.

Also, the desalination project using solar energy, which was launched in 2018, aims to relieve pressure on the Kingdom's natural oil resources, reduce the cost of desalination and reduce harmful emissions.

2. In the field of tourism

The tourism sector was not immune from the Kingdom's Vision 2030, as was the Amaala project, which was designed to highlight the richness of natural resources in the Kingdom.

The Amala project aims to develop an integrated tourist destination characterized by the finest luxury resorts and luxury recreation activities, and contributes to creating and advancing a more sustainable economy through the development of tourist experiences full of entertaining and modern activities, in addition to the cultural experiences of Saudi citizens and the world.

As well as the Al-Soudah development project, which was launched on top of the highest peak in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above sea level, and the project aims to attract more than two million visitors by 2030.

The Red Sea Project, which will introduce new standards in renewable tourism and sustainable development, and create unique tourism experiences, with the aim of contributing to the growth of the Kingdom's economy by promoting new sectors and opening up the Kingdom to the world is one of the most important projects.

3. In the cultural field

Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s project for the development of historical mosques, which was announced in 2018, is at the forefront of the Kingdom’s cultural projects due to the great position of historical mosques in the Islamic religion, in addition to being one of the most important landmarks of the urban heritage and the historical and cultural depth represented by the mosques covered by the program and social.

The project contributes to highlighting the cultural dimension of the Kingdom, which the Saudi Vision 2030 focuses on, by preserving the original urban characteristics and benefiting from them in developing the design of modern mosques.

Also, the Riyadh Art project, is an artistic initiative that aims to transform public spaces in the city into artistic spaces that allow for artistic expression and stimulate creative participation by all segments of society, in addition to developing the city's cultural economy.

In addition to these projects, there is the Riyadh Sports Track project, which was launched in 2019, to promote the practice of sports activities in the community. The sports track project extends with a length of 135 km, and the track includes sports, cultural, recreational and environmental activities, including 90 km of bicycle paths for amateurs, and 135 km of Professional bike paths, 123 km of horse trails, a safe and wooded pedestrian path along the path, along with a range of gates and stations.

4. In the field of urban development

The Green Riyadh project is considered one of the most important and distinguished environmental projects, as it is one of the largest and ambitious afforestation projects in the world, to raise the city’s classification among its counterparts in the world.”

The project includes: 3,330 neighborhood parks, 43 large parks, 9,000 mosques, 6,000 schools, 64 university and college facilities, 390 health facilities, and 1,670 government facilities. The afforestation program covers 16,400 linear kilometers of streets and roads, and 2,000 parking sites, 1,001 linear kilometers of "green belts" within the public utility lines (electricity transmission towers and oil pipelines), 175,000 vacant plots of land, and 272 km of valleys and their tributaries.

Among the projects is the composite materials factory project for the production of aircraft structures, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East, and is an advanced step in the field of aerospace and aviation products industries within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East region.

The projects also include the King Salman Energy City (SPARK) project, which is an integrated industrial city, and (SPARK) is also the first and only industrial city in the world to obtain a LEED Silver Certificate in the energy and environmental design sector.

Also, the Made in Saudi Arabia project, which aims to increase Saudi non-oil exports in priority export markets, targets the local and global consumers by enhancing the position of the national product and increasing awareness and confidence in it.

In addition to the above, the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 includes the Al-Ula development project, the Diriyah Gate project, the NEOM project, the Qiddiya project, the Sakaka solar energy project and the Soliman Park project.

5. In the field of housing

The Roshan project is one of the most important projects of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in the field of housing. Roshen, a national real estate development company, aims to develop residential neighborhoods with high-quality standards that are commensurate with the aspirations of the Saudi society, and to enhance the quality of life for citizens in the Kingdom and facilitate the ownership of housing units there.

6. In the field of healthcare

The Saudi Genome Program is one of the projects of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and aims to reduce genetic diseases by using advanced genomic technologies, which contributes to improving the quality of life and health care for the Saudi community.

The Saudi Genome Program will create a database to document the first genetic map of the Saudi society, develop the field of medicine, reduce healthcare costs, and provide the latest diagnostic, treatment and prevention technologies.

Today, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to strengthen its presence through this vision, which will not only aim to increase economic growth, but also support the environment and support many areas that will make the Kingdom among the most prominent countries in the economic sector.

Read More:  The Sakaka Solar Project : The Beginning Of Renewable Energy Projects In Saudi Arabia

National Industrial Development and Logistics Program

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